Sacred Heart Cathedral

      Confessions begin at 6:30pm; Rosary 6:40pm; Mass at 7pm; Adoration following Mass.

        Confessions before Mass; Mass at 9am

4. Catholic TRC Healing Response Appeal -- Saskatchewan

Next pilgrimage!

Sacred Heart Cathedral parish 1401 4th ave west, Prince Albert

Sunday, February 16. 2pm Mass 3 - 4pm Adoration with the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Click here to read the Bishop's letter on indulgences! (French)

And here for the Papal decree

And here for an explanation about indulgences

The True Meaning of Christmas with Dr. Michael Barber

Do you love Christmas traditions but don’t know where they come from? Tune in for Dr. Michael Patrick Barber’s Advent reflections called “The True Meaning of Christmas” and learn the meaning behind your favorite Christmas pastimes. 



Online Masses

Diocese's website: