Your Donation is appreciated!
Your Donation is appreciated!
+ Donations/Collections can be mailed to the parish at:
+ Donations/Collections can be mailed to the parish at:
Sacred Heart Cathedral 1401- 4th Ave. West, Prince Albert, Sk S6V 5H1
Sacred Heart Cathedral 1401- 4th Ave. West, Prince Albert, Sk S6V 5H1
Or dropped off at the Parish Office (please call ahead)
Or dropped off at the Parish Office (please call ahead)
eTransfer is now accepted:
eTransfer is now accepted:
Also, Pre-authorized debit is available, contact the Parish Office at
Also, Pre-authorized debit is available, contact the Parish Office at
(306) 763-2319 and we can help you set this up!
(306) 763-2319 and we can help you set this up!